New business communication, persuasion courses at COM
In the world of social media and half-truths, learn how to spot illogical arguments with College of the Mainland’s Argumentation class coming fall 2017.
Argumentation and Debate (SPCH 2335) will help students learn to help people see their side and create logical arguments.
“Democracy relies on people coming together and creating ideas,” said Dr. R.E. Davis, communication professor. “A lot of people only want to hear their side.”
Students will learn to analyze illogical arguments through projects and discussion.
“We’ll learn how to make a case for something you believe in,” said Davis. “Leadership is partly persuading people to get on board with your ideas. For example, if you want your team to follow safety guidelines, you can yell at them, but they won’t change until they are on board with the idea.”
In Business and Professional Communication (SPCH 1321) you can learn to be confident in interviews, presentations and professional communications.
“The goal for the class is to equip students to be successful communicators in today’s professional work environment. This will help them achieve their personal professional goals and make them valuable, contributing members of their profession,” said Jim Hackett, communication professor.
Students will learn critical thinking skills and how to communicate through email plus explore cross-cultural communication, technology, leadership and conflict resolution.
This course is also a new option for students in process technology to take instead of public speaking.
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Fall registration is ongoing. Apply to the college at or call 409-933-8663.