COM Trustee Bennie Matthews Recognized

The Galveston County Commissioner’s Court on Monday, April 22 approved a resolution honoring longtime College of the Mainland Trustee Bennie Matthews.
Galveston County Judge Mark Henry and the four commissioners – Darrel Apffel, Joe Giusti, Stephen Holmes and Ken Clark - unanimously agreed on the resolution which in part says, “Bennie Crenshaw Matthews remains an advocate of educational and professional excellence; and Whereas, the Commissioners’ Court of Galveston County, Texas wishes to express its recognition of the many contributions to education made by Bennie Crenshaw Matthews, and fitting that College of the Mainland will hold the Student Center Grand Opening and Dedication of the Bennie Matthews Commons on April 29, 2019.”
The grand opening of the renovated Student Center and the dedication of the Bennie Matthews Commons is scheduled for 3:30 p.m.
To view more photos from the Commissioner’s Court meeting, go to