COM Foundation Recognizes Outstanding Community Contributions

The stars were shining brightly during the College of the Mainland Foundation’s inaugural Texas Stars Donor Appreciation Dinner on Saturday, November 16, 2019. Held at the COM Conference Center, dozens of benefactors and guests gathered for a brilliant evening celebrating their philanthropic support for the Foundation.
The Texas-themed celebration kicked off with the signature sounds of the COM Jazz Ensemble and Duck and Cover A Capella Chorale. Following dinner were remarks by College of the Mainland President Warren Nichols and Foundation Executive Director Lisa Watson. Here, guests were reminded of their gift’s meaningful impact on the College of the Mainland community.
“Gifts from alumni, friends, employees, corporations and foundations provide the framework to enhance the learning experience of our scholars,” said Watson. “These gifts, no matter the size, change lives every day in both large and small ways. We thank you for helping us continue our important work of providing the highest quality of education at College of the Mainland.”
The highlight of the evening was the unveiling of the Donor Recognition Wall. The Wall, now on display in the foyer of the Conference Center, recognizes the monetary contributions of each donor, ranging from the $10,000 to $2 million level. Through these gifts, donors are able to leave a lasting footprint on their community through scholarships, program enhancements and instructional innovations across campus.
“College of the Mainland is the community’s college, and those who invest their time and resources to the College, experience a true return on their investment through the betterment of the entire community,” said President Nichols. “With the generous support of our donors, our students can achieve their dreams of providing for themselves and their loved ones. Our employers will benefit by having a qualified workforce which leads to the economic wealth and quality of life for our community.”
Top-level donors include, Texas Mutual Insurance Company (Texas Longhorn Donor - $1 million-$4,999,999), BP America and Houston Endowment, Inc. (King Rancher Donors - $500,000-$999,999), College of the Mainland, Mainland Medical Center Auxiliary and Shell Oil Company (Silver Spur Donors - $250,000-$499,999).
The Foundation thanks these and all the donors for their continued support of College of the Mainland.
Established in 1972, COM Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit fundraising arm of the College that provides funding for student and college needs. To learn more about how you make a difference in the life of a student through the COM Foundation, call 409-933-8508 or visit
Photos from the Texas Stars Donor Appreciation Dinner can be viewed in our event gallery.