The College of the Mainland Art Club is launching its first show, “Anatidaephobia,” at the COM Art Gallery through June 23.

“Anatidaephobia” (or the irrational fear of being watched by a duck) encompasses works of fine arts students Bibiana Bravo, Shawn Cleveland, Bo Dalmé, Callie Rankin, Skyler Miller, Max Estudillo and Marissa Rodriguez. The exhibit incorporates funky sculptures, intricate murals and delicate drawings.

Committed to making contemporary artwork accessible, the COM Art Gallery is free and open to the public. Exhibits are created and coordinated with speakers and other events to promote the area's richly diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds.

The gallery is located in the Fine Arts Building and open Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., one hour before COM Community Theatre performances and by appointment.

For more information, please contact 409-933-8354 or 409-933-8348 or visit