COM Board of Trustees Approves Budget
Board of Trustees for College of the Mainland approved a $35.9 million operating budget for the 2018-2019 academic school year which starts on Sept. 1.
“We pledge to remain diligent by reviewing and evaluating all expenses in order to be good stewards of our taxing district funds,” COM President Dr. Warren Nichols said. The college, he said, continues to focus on student success, employee fulfillment and exemplary facilities.
The proposed budget, which includes a three percent cost of living increase for all employees, is based on anticipated revenues of $36.8 million mostly from property taxes, tuition and state appropriations.
The college experienced the largest number of student enrollment –more than 4,700 - when classes for the fall semester began on Aug. 27.
The budget approved by the Board of Trustees accounts for:
Additional adjunct professors to meet an increased student enrollment
Boosted the number of academic advisors to support Guided Pathways
Adds student tutoring staff
Creates new, full-time positions in Allied Health and Nursing
Covers the cost of required training for industrial instructors
Accommodates a distance learning need with an instructional designer
Sets aside funds to address discrepancies in pay following a compensation study
The board of trustees is expected to set an effective tax rate of .212 per $100 valuation at its regularly scheduled meeting on Sept. 24. The current tax rate is .216 per $100 valuation.