Free workplace safety classes

Learn to avoid fire and environmental regulation violations in two no-cost classes by the Risk Management Institute: Fire Safety in the Workplace on May 5 and Environmental Regulations on May 19.
Is your company prepared in case of a fire emergency? This course covers fire hazards, types of fire, prevention of fires, fire extinguisher use, and how to develop and maintain an effective fire emergency evacuation plan.
Sherrie Wilson, Occupational Safety and Health Administration instructor, teaches this class. She has owned and operated Emergency Management Resources, a premier American Heart Association training center that serves the U.S. Wilson also serves as a volunteer leader and educator for the American Heart Association in Russia, India, England and Mexico.
Environmental Regulations will cover basic concepts of core environmental regulations such as the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act, Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Safe Drinking Water Act and Toxic Substances Control Act.
Steve Laughlin teaches this course. Laughlin conducted training programs in OSHA, EPA, DOT, CBRNE-Bioterrorism as well as customized programs spanning a wide variety of topics. He was a guest on the Martha Stewart show and the Dr. Oz show. His engaging presentation is filled with real-world examples and practical applications.
All classes are sponsored by Texas Mutual Insurance Company and presented at the Gulf Coast Safety Institute, located at 320 Delany Rd. in La Marque, TX.
Classes are scheduled from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Check-in will begin at 7:30 a.m. to register, contact SeAlice Hemphill at 409-933-8365 or
About Gulf Coast Safety Institute
Established in 2007, the institute focuses on providing safety and health education, training and outreach. For more information on the institute, contact Lewis at 409-933-8495 or or visit
About College of the Mainland
Celebrating 50 years of student success, College of the Mainland offers a variety of fully accredited associate degrees and certifications. The college prepares students to meet their goals, whether transferring to a university or entering the workforce. An Achieving the Dream Leader College, COM has an excellent professor-to-student ratio that allows instructors to connect with each class. We’re the launchpad for success stories throughout the Mainland. For more, visit
About Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Austin-based Texas Mutual Insurance Company, a policyholder-owned company, is the state’s leading provider of workers’ compensation insurance. Texas Mutual provides coverage to 40 percent of the market, representing over 64,000 companies, many of which are small businesses. Since 1991, the company has provided a stable, competitively priced source of workers’ comp insurance for Texas employers. Helping employers prevent workplace accidents is an important part of Texas Mutual’s mission.