COM audit nets no recommendations
Whitley Penn, an independent auditor, has conducted an audit of all College of the Mainland finances and had no recommendations or findings, the college announced Jan. 23.
“In all my years in colleges’ administration, this is as good of an audit as I’ve seen,” said COM Interim President Rodney Allbright.
The intensive, third-party audit covered all COM finances including grants, payroll and accounts for the 2016 fiscal year.
“The audit covers all aspects of COM finances, anything that has a dollar bill attached to it,” said Clen Burton, vice president for fiscal affairs. “The college has a healthy cash balance. COM controller Trudy Trochesset provided them with all the information and data and did a great job."
COM Foundation, the college’s nonprofit, also received a positive audit of its finances. The foundation offers more than 100 scholarships to full and part-time students each year.
Celebrating 50 years of student success, College of the Mainland offers a variety of fully accredited associate degrees and certifications. Spring registration is now open. The college prepares students to meet their goals, whether transferring to a university or entering the workforce. An Achieving the Dream Leader College, COM has an excellent professor-to-student ratio that allows instructors to connect with each class. We’re the launchpad for success stories throughout the mainland.