Maintenance technician ensures campus shines
Ready with hammer, wrench and screwdriver, Marcus Taylor helps maintain and repair campus facilities.
“We do whatever they ask us to - a little bit of everything. I have a will-do attitude,” said Marcus. “I like helping the faculty and students, making them smile and having them say, 'Thank you for what you’re doing.'”
On any given day, Marcus may help with plumbing repairs, pest control or carpentry projects. The Maintenance Department also prepares the campus for special events such as setting up for COM’s 50th Birthday Bash and posting flags for Veterans Day.
“Marcus is a jack-of-all-trades. He can do anything from woodworking to painting,” said Charlie King, COM director of facilities.
Marcus first became interested in maintenance and repairs after his dad’s house flooded during Hurricane Ike and he helped his cousin with remodeling.
Now he puts his skills to use repairing COM’s 13 buildings on campus.
“I can always call the maintenance staff and they’ll come help me. We stick together. Everyone has a smile,” said Marcus.