Learn how to earn degree and high school diploma

At a meeting for prospective parents and students Feb. 9 at 6:30 p.m. in the Learning
Resource Center Auditorium, attendees will discover how COM Collegiate High School
makes it possible to simultaneously earn a high school diploma and an associate degree.
The presentation will outline the benefits, opportunities and challenges of the program
open to students as young as freshmen in Dickinson, Hitchcock, Texas City, Santa Fe,
La Marque, Friendswood and Clear Creek ISDs, Premier Learning Academy, Odyssey Academy
and home schools.
Helping students reach their goals since 2004, the Collegiate High School allows students
to take all their high school and college classes at the COM campus while remaining
eligible for extracurricular activities at their home high school.
Students also take transitions classes, which offer tips on study habits, time management
and life skills to prepare them for success at a university or in the workforce.
“(Professors) challenged you but were willing to give extra help if you ever needed
it,” said Kelsey Buchanan, 2013 Collegiate High School valedictorian, who is now pursing
a bachelor’s degree at Baylor University. “I couldn’t have asked for a better transition.
I think it was one of the best decisions I’ve made.”
To learn more, call 409-933-8169 or visit www.com.edu/chs.