Fast-track to workforce with COM Pharmacy Technician Program

When Ann Greco walked the stage to receive her associate degree she already had two accomplishments – a job offer and the assurance she’d set a good example for her son.
“I felt stuck working at a restaurant for almost ten years,” said Greco. “I wanted something better for myself and my family. I wanted my son to be proud of me.”
Enrolling in the COM pharmacy technician program, which begins Sept. 21, Greco enjoyed hands-on learning.
“It clicked with me, and I was able to retain information,” said Greco. “It feels like I accomplished a huge goal in completing a degree. When I graduated, my son was so proud of me. He was telling his teachers, ‘My mom’s graduating.’”
The COM Pharmacy Technician Program trains students through classes, labs and internships at a retail pharmacy and hospital pharmacy. Students learn drug brands, generic names and their uses and how they effect the body.
After completing the certificate program, students are prepared to take the national Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam.
“Last year our graduates had a 100 percent pass rate on the exam,” said Lisa Homburg, COM instructor.
Certificate graduates may enter the workforce immediately and/or continue for a second year to obtain an Associate in Applied Science in pharmacy technician for greater opportunities.
“Graduates find jobs in grocery and retail drug store pharmacies, hospitals and long-term care pharmacies,” said Homburg.
Employment of pharmacy technicians is projected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to grow 20 percent from 2012 to 2022, faster than the average for all occupations. Technology and an aging population are fueling the field’s growth.
Greco began as a pharmacy technician at Houston Medicine Chest and about a month later was promoted to IV tech, which means she injects medicine into IV bags.
“You have to be precise and organized because if you don’t give enough or too much you could harm someone,” said Greco. “They depend on me and trust me. It makes me feel proud.”
For more information about the COM Pharmacy Technician Program, visit or call 409-933-8685.