Senior adults reveal talent at COM gallery
Juxtaposing vivid floral paintings with intricate black-and-white drawings and translucent glass with dark brocade, the latest exhibit in the College of the Mainland Art Gallery exclusively features art created by students in the COM Senior Adult Program.
In the free exhibit July 17 to Aug. 21 seniors showcase their paintings, drawings, photography and 3-D art.
A reception and awards announcement of winners in each category will be held July 24 at 5 p.m. in the COM Art Gallery.
“This is the first time we have had an all-senior adult show in the COM Art Gallery,” said COM Senior Adult Program director Alesha Aulds. “We were so pleased to have more than 100 entries. Students could submit up to three works of art. Viewers can see the caliber of art done by students in our art classes.”
COM art professors Kristy Peet and George Bowes selected the top artworks for inclusion.
“We were impressed with the quality and diversity of the works submitted for this exhibition,” said Bowes. “All students whose works were chosen should be very proud to be in this exhibition.”
“The students in this program employ a wide range of mediums, techniques and forms to express their ideas,” added Peet. “This diversity made it a pleasure to review the work while also making it a challenging to choose works to include.”
The Senior Adult Program also offers art classes in oil painting, watercolors, acrylic painting, drawing, photography, jewelry, paper mache and stained glass as well as language, fitness and computer courses.
“We’re really fortunate that we’ve got the caliber of teachers we have,” said Aulds. “Most of them are retired. They’re doing it because they love it.”
Entries that did not make the show will be displayed at the COM Learning Center-Delmar located at 1130 Delmar beginning July 17.
COM Senior Adult Program provides lifelong learning opportunities for senior adults 55 years of age and older by offering personal enrichment classes in a positive, accepting and intergenerational environment.