In-demand welders find jobs before graduation

For Keith Harrington, a fresh start took just 12 weeks.
First coming to College of the Mainland to take two six-week welding courses, Harrington, a
former plumber and construction worker, discovered at last a career he could enjoy
for the rest of his life.
“I’m the first person in my family to go to college,” said Harrington, 45, of San
Leon. “I caught on pretty quick. I learned how to MIG and flux (weld) in seven days.
After 12 weeks, I knew I could do this.”
It proved a second chance for Harrington, who holds two nonviolent felony convictions.
Though he has not yet completed COM’s four certificates, he has passed an industry
welding test. He’s thrilled to make $1,000 a week working at Woven Metal Products
in Alvin, welding various types of reactors used in industry.
COM welding professor Doc Miller has seen many such transformations in his 20 years
"Students come, learn a skill and go from a minimum-wage job to good-paying job,"
said Miller. “It changes people’s lives.”
A booming industry, welding provides a second chance for students of all backgrounds.
“This is the right time for anybody to get in the field,” added Miller. “Some of the
best welders in the world come to the Gulf Coast because there are so many jobs. More
companies call us looking for qualified students than we have students.”
Harrington, though now employed, has determined to earn all four certificates COM
offers – Entry-Level Welding, Entry-Level Gas Shielded Pipe Welding, Entry-Level Shielded
Metal Arc Pipe Welding – and expand his skills.
“I’m trying to get more consistent,” he said. “The weld will tell on you every time.
(A correct weld) looks like you just bent a piece of metal. If you don’t do it correctly,
it cracks or shows stress every time.”
Harrington learned through textbooks, hands-on instruction and as many hours practicing
in the lab as he wanted.
“I’m old. I struggled a little bit,” said Harrington. “As long as you’re paying attention,
you can do it. You do bookwork, (instructors) show you, and then you keep doing it
until they tell you (that) you did it right.”
Many students, like Harrington, qualify for financial aid. COM is an approved vendor
to provide vocational training for eligible participants under the federal Workforce
Investment Act. Qualifying individuals can receive free tuition, fees and books.
Working with instructors Miller, Rico Brown and Victor Woods, Harrington has found
his niche.
“They taught me so much. I’d have never been able to get a welding job if I hadn’t
come in here,” said Harrington. “I’ve done a lot of jobs. … (Welding)’s going to be
my final one though.”
For more on COM's Welding Program, visit