COM employees donate to Heights Elementary

Small actions added up to a big difference as College of the Mainland employees donated
500 Box Tops for Education and 100 Labels for Education to Heights Elementary in Texas
City. The employee group COMPeers coordinated the drive that exceeded their expectations.
“When I called the school and told them we had 500 tops, they were so excited,” said
COMPeers secretary Rosie Rojas. “COMPeers will continue to collect box tops and labels
to donate to a school in the college’s service area every six months.”
Schools can redeem Box Tops for Education, labels found on General Mills products,
to help buy what they need most, from books to field trips to playgrounds. The Campbell
Soup Company similarly funds merchandise for schools through its Labels for Education
An active community service group comprised of COM employees, COMPeers coordinated
a school supplies drive for Hitchcock ISD last fall. Over the holidays, it collected
items for the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, which provides presents to disadvantaged