BP Donates $15,000 to Collegiate High School at COM

BP has donated $15,000 to benefit students in Collegiate High School at College of
the Mainland. These funds will be used primarily to support free and reduced lunches
for the students, plus supply other critical needs of the program.
BP has been a supporter of Collegiate High School since its inception, said Sandi
Belcher, Collegiate High School principal. “It’s a great partnership that we have.”
“We turn out students who are capable of succeeding at the university level and/or
in the workforce,” said Belcher. “They want to be here, and they want to get ahead.
We are grateful for BP’s donation of funds to help these hardworking students succeed.”
Collegiate High School is a challenging academic program that allows students in area
high schools to complete high school graduation and associate degree requirements
simultaneously, allowing them to save time and money. Students may enroll as early
as their freshman year in high school.