COM math professor wins second place in National SoftChalk Competition
Designated by SoftChalk software as a power user for uploading more lessons than any other user, Marilyn Larsen, associate professor of developmental math at College of the Mainland, won second place in the 2012 SoftChalk Lesson Challenge. The national contest was sponsored by SoftChalk and judged by educators from across the U.S.
Larsen’s winning lesson, “The Real Numbers,” combined photos, interactive quizzes and even a video of a space shuttle launch countdown to demonstrate how positive and negative numbers are used in the real world.
Larsen’s lessons are shared with users around the world. Through questions about an uploaded lesson, Larsen recently connected with an educator from Dubai Men's College in the U.A.E.
Larsen’s students enjoy the lessons as well. “I use it to enhance lectures and as a tutorial,” Larsen said.
To see more about the contest and Larsen's award, click here.