English as a Second Language Classes

How to get started

New students must attend a registration session where they will take a test to see their current level.

Required documentation for Adult Education registration:

  • 19 years or older: 19 years or older: government issued picture ID with birthdate. (May be US or foreign driver’s license, state ID, passport, visa, military ID, matricula consular, etc.)
  • 18-year-old:  Must provide high school withdrawal OR completion information, have a parent/guardian available to give consent, and picture ID (see examples above).
  • 17-year-old:  Must provide high school withdrawal information, have a parent/guardian available to give consent, and picture ID (see examples above).
  • 16-year-old: Must provide COURT ORDER along with a government-issued picture ID.

Adult Education is currently accepting reservations for classes.

Click the link below to set up your registration request:


Los estudiantes nuevos deben asistir a una sesión de inscripción donde tomarán un examen para ver su nivel actual. Para obtener más información o para inscribirse en la lista de correo de futuras sesiones, llame al 409-933-8294.

La Educación para Adultos actualmente acepta reservaciones para clases.

Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para configurar su cita de registro:

Registro de ESL

English as a second language classes help students improve their everyday English, get ready to attend college or learn new job skills. Classes cover reading, writing, listening and speaking the English language.

There is no minimum skill level required. Classes begin five times a year and run for 8 weeks at a time. They are held Monday through Thursday in the morning from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. or in the evening from 6–9 p.m.* There is no charge for classes and there are no textbooks or other purchases required.

*Days and times can vary by location

Group of students in a classroom watching an instructor presenting

English as a Second Language for Professionals

How to get started

New students must attend a registration session where they will take a test to see their current level. For more information or to sign up for mailing list of future sessions, call 409-933-8294.

Adult Education is currently accepting reservations for classes.

Click the link below to set up your registration request:


English as a second language for professionals provides the necessary instruction and practice needed for foreign trained professionals with limited English language skills to find employment utilizing their foreign training and credentials. All of the activities will focus on understanding, speaking, reading, and writing English that will be needed in the work place and appropriate industry.

Courses are normally 16 weeks long and meet twice a week. Morning and evening classes are offered at College of the Mainland main campus in Texas City. The tuition is free and no books or purchases are needed.

ESL students