Writing Resources

Writing Services
Writing Tutors can provide feedback and assistance with:
- Brainstorming
- Pre-writing
- Organization
- Thesis statements
- Resume and cover letter
- Grammar and punctuation
- MLA, APA and CMS formatting
- Writing and speaking for an audience
- PowerPoint
- Oral presentation
- Interview practice
The Tutoring Center also offers online tutoring that allows clients to schedule one-hour sessions through WCONLINE, a web-based program with real-time chat and whiteboard space for revision available at com.mywconline.com.
Need help creating your WCONLINE account? Download our PDF on creating your WCONLINE account here: Create a WCONLINE account
Additional Services
Additional services include workshops on formatting styles, writing strategies, group projects, speeches and resume writing. Workshops and classroom presentations are also available on other topics upon request.
Appointments and walk-ins are welcome.
Tips for Writers
APA Style Sheet
This style sheet highlights major elements of APA that COM students are likely to use in their assignments.
Chicago (CMS) Style Sheet
This style sheet highlights major elements of Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) that COM students are likely to use in their assignments.
Introducing Sources
Need help incorporating your sources and/or making certain rhetorical moves in your paper? These templates might help!
MLA Style Sheet
This style sheet highlights major elements of MLA that COM students are likely to use in their assignments.
Writing a Resume
This tip sheet has been compiled by the staff of the Speaking, Reading, and Writing Center and is based on Peter Vogt’s “Avoid the Top 10 Resume Mistakes” on monster.com.
Writing Checklist
This checklist was compiled by the staff of the Speaking, Reading, and Writing Center. It is intended as a tool for brainstorming, organizing, composing and editing academic writing.