Center for Risk Management
The Center for Risk Management (formerly the Risk Management Institute) at College of the Mainland invites you and your staff to attend health and safety classes held at our facilities. There is NO enrollment fee. We have received generous support from the Texas Mutual Insurance Company to educate workers about occupational safety. These classes provide related materials to keep for future reference. The courses are excellent for organizations to update or include in their internal training.
Spring 2025 Class Schedule
Friday, January 10, 2025
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
This course covers the role and responsibility of the employer to develop and implement an energy control program, or lock-out/tag-out (LOTO) for the protection of workers while performing servicing and maintenance activities on machinery and equipment. Course topics include types of hazardous energy, detecting hazardous conditions, implementing control measures as they relate to the control of hazardous energy, developing and implementing energy control programs including written isolation procedures, training of authorized and affected employees, and periodic inspection of energy control procedures using the OSHA Control of Hazardous Energy Standard. Upon course completion the student will have the ability to explain the importance of energy control programs, procedures, training, audits and methods of controlling hazardous energy.
The instructor for this course is Raul Herrera.
Contact:, 409-933-8162
Sponsored by Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Introduction to Combustible Dust Hazards
Friday, January 24, 2025
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
This course covers the hazards posed by combustible dust within general industry. Course topics include recognizing the hazards and risks associated with combustible dust, control of electrical installation hazards, and developing controls and strategies to prevent or mitigate combustible dust fires and explosions. Upon course completion the student will have the ability to utilize strategies that assure employee safety while using or producing materials that generate combustible dust and the ability to use OSHA Standards, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards, and other applicable consensus standards that impact industries which generate combustible dust.
The instructor for this course is Brandy Hamilton.
Contact:, 409-933-8162
Sponsored by Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control
Friday, January 31, 2025
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
This course covers the development and implementation of Exposure Control Plans (ECP). Course topics include understanding the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, determining potential exposure and control methods, developing an ECP, vaccinations, exposure incidents, training, and record keeping. The target audience is the program administrator, manager, or other personnel designated with the responsibility of developing a Bloodborne Pathogens ECP. Course highlights include students developing a template for their facility’s ECP. Upon course completion, the participant will have the ability to take a systematic approach to develop an ECP.
The instructor for this course is Raul Herrera.
Contact:, 409-933-8162
Sponsored by Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Silica in Construction, Maritime, and General Industries
Friday, February 7, 2025
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
This course covers the development and implementation of controls and strategies to prevent or mitigate silica exposures in construction, maritime, and general industries. Course topics include describing the requirements of OSHA’s Respirable Crystalline Silica standards and recognizing the hazards and risks, assessment options, and exposure control measures associated with silica exposure.
The instructor for this course is Raul Herrera.
Contact:, 409-933-8162
Sponsored by Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Understanding OSHA’s Permit-Required Confined Space Standard
Friday, February 21, 2025
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
This course covers the requirements of the OSHA Permit-Required Confined Space Standard. Course topics include safety and health hazards associated with confined space entry, and the evaluation, prevention, and abatement of these hazards. The course covers OSHA requirements; it does not feature workshops (instrumentation, control methods and testing) which are included in the OSHA #2264 Permit-Required Confined Space Entry. This course is designed for small employers or a designated representative (line supervisor or manager) with the responsibility to develop a permit-required confined space program. Upon course completion students will have a basic understanding of confined space hazards, evaluating and abatement of the hazards, and determining when a confined space shall be classified as a permit-required confined space.
The instructor for this course is John Cherry.
Contact:, 409-933-8162
Sponsored by Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Occupational Noise Exposure Hazards
Friday, February 28, 2025
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
This course focuses on describing noise hazards in the workplace. The course includes; OSHA occupational noise exposure standards, properties of sound, noise-induced hearing loss, noise exposure control, selection and use of hearing protection, sound level surveys, noise dosimetry, and worker training. Classroom demonstrations of noise instrumentation and hearing protection devices are featured. The target audience is the employer or representative designated with the responsibility to develop a noise program. At the conclusion of this course, students will describe sound properties and their relationship to noise-induced hearing loss, hearing protection usage, and using a sound level meter.
The instructor for this course is Brandy Hamilton.
Contact:, 409-933-8162
Sponsored by Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Fall Hazard Awareness for the Construction Industry
Friday, March 7, 2025
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
This course covers the identification, evaluation, prevention and control of fall hazards in the construction industry. The course focuses on falls to a lower level rather than falls to the same level resulting from slips and falls. Course topics include identifying, analyzing, and preventing fall hazards utilizing OSHA Fall Protection Standards. At the conclusion of the course, students will have an awareness level of identifying fall hazards and methods to control and abate the hazards.
The instructor for this course is John Cherry.
Contact:, 409-933-8162
Sponsored by Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Managing Excavation/Trenching Operations
Friday, March 28, 2025
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
This course covers the requirements to manage excavation/trenching operations. The course will include an understanding of the OSHA excavation requirements, excavation/trenching hazards, and control measures. Additionally, participants will learn about soil analysis techniques and protective system requirements. At the conclusion of this course, participants will understand how to manage excavation/trenching operations.
The instructor for this course is Raul Herrera.
Contact:, 409-933-8162
Sponsored by Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Construction Industry Requirements (Hazards and Prevention)
Friday, April 4, 2025
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
This course provides federal and public sector employees with pertinent information regarding OSHA requirements and guidelines applicable to construction industry activities and operations. Topics include recognition of major safety and health hazards in the construction industry, prevention strategies, safety and health management systems, OSHA requirements and guidelines, and resources available. The course is an interactive training session focusing on class discussion and workshops. Students will have the knowledge and ability of awareness level of the major construction hazards and prevention strategies.
The instructor for this course is Raul Herrera.
Contact:, 409-933-8162
Sponsored by Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Introduction to Incident (Accident) Investigation
Friday, April 11, 2025
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
This course covers an introduction to basic accident investigation procedures and describes accident analysis techniques. Course topics include reasons for conducting accident investigations, employer responsibilities related to workplace accident investigations, and a six-step accident investigation procedure. The target audience is the employer, manager, employee, or employee’s representative who is involved in conducting accident and/or near-miss investigations. Upon course completion students will have the basic skills necessary to conduct an effective accident investigation at the workplace.
The instructor for this course is Norm Stuart.
Contact:, 409-933-8162
Sponsored by Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Hazard Communication
Friday, April 25, 2025
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Lesson objectives is to identify the employer’s responsibilities under the HCS, including training requirements, identify components of a Hazard Communication program, describing requirements of the different types of Hazard Communication labels, locating pertinent information about chemicals on labels, including other forms of hazard communication, to ensure “right to understanding” provisions of GHS requirements.
The instructor for this course is Sharill Roberson.
Contact:, 409-933-8162
Sponsored by Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Heat Illness and Prevention
Friday, May 2, 2025
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
According to BLS data from the Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities program, high temperatures can be dangerous to people at work and can lead to injuries, illnesses, and death. OSHA states that Supervisors and workers should be trained about heat hazards. They should also learn about prevention and first aid. Topics in this course include types of heat-related illness, including how to recognize common signs and symptoms, importance of immediately providing first aid to affected workers, procedures for contacting emergency medical services, importance of protecting new “unacclimatized” workers and work practices to help workers develop acclimatization.
The instructor for this course is Brigdett Morales.
Contact:, 409-933-8162
Sponsored by Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Personal Protective Equipment
Friday, May 16, 2025
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
This training course describe the hierarchy of controls as it relates to personal protective equipment, identify types of personal protective equipment utilized in general industry, explain personal protective equipment training requirements, explain the employer responsibilities regarding personal protective equipment and explain the employee responsibilities regarding personal protective equipment.
The instructor for this course is Brandy Hamilton.
Contact:, 409-933-8162
Sponsored by Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Asbestos Awareness Training
Friday, May 23, 2025
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Training of custodial and maintenance workers is one of the keys to a successful operations and maintenance (O&M) program. If building owners do not emphasize the importance of well-trained custodial and maintenance personnel, asbestos O&M tasks may not be performed properly. This could result in higher levels of asbestos fibers in the building air and an increased risk to building workers and occupants. Asbestos Awareness Training includes topics of the O&M program for buildings. This training is for maintenance and custodial workers involved in general maintenance and asbestos-containing material repair tasks. Training may include such topics as: Background information on asbestos, Health effects of asbestos, Worker protection programs, Locations of ACM in the building, Recognition of ACM damage and deterioration and the O&M program for the building.
The instructor for this course is Raul Herrera.
Contact:, 409-933-8162
Sponsored by Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Cancellation Policy:
Please give at least 24 hours' notice if you are not able to attend class so we may register other students from the wait list. If you have any questions before the class, or need assistance on the day of the class, please send email to You can also call 409-933-8162 and leave a message. Your call will be returned within 24 hours.
Who can benefit from these classes?
- Safety trainers/personnel
- Physical plant directors
- Health personnel
- Office personnel
- All workers
- Human resources personnel
Comments from evaluations:
- "This was a much-needed course for safety professionals!"
- "I wish more of my co-workers would take this course!"
- "Well organized! Speaker was very knowledgeable of subject at hand!"
- "These classes are a great resource for my business!"
- "We will not miss a single offering!"
- "Great hospitality! I'll be back!"
- "Great course materials, and the refreshments were a nice addition. Thank you!"

Continuing a 20-year partnership, Texas Mutual Insurance Company,
the state's leading worker's compensation insurance company, has given $100,000 to
fund safety and health classes taught by experts at the Gulf Coast Safety Institute.
From left: Mary Amelang, Vice President for Institutional Advancement; SeAlice Hemphill, Program Assistant at the Gulf Coast Safety Institute; Cindy Lewis, Director of the Gulf Coast Safety Institute; Dr. James Templer, Vice President of Instruction; Woody Hill, Texas Mutual Insurance; and Wayne Faircloth, Texas House of Representatives.