Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We are in the Public Service Careers Building. The address is 1205 Amburn Road, Texas City, TX 77591. We are across the street from the main campus and we can be found between the DPS and a Texas City Fire Department station—we share a driveway with them.

What are clinicals and how do they work?

Clinicals are your rotations in the hospital and on an ambulance. There is a mandatory clinical orientation scheduled for the first or second Saturday (0800-1700) of class that will answer all of your questions. You can also see our Clinical Rotation Information link for more information.

Is my (fire/military/other) physical acceptable?

Because we need program-specific release from your physician, you must use our Physical Form.

What if I think there may be a problem with my background?

You need to contact the program director to run a preliminary background check before registering for classes.

I am a nurse. How would I go about getting my paramedic certification?

If you are an RN, you will need to come in and visit with the program director. The requirements will be set up based on your clinical experience—we require at least one year of experience in an ER or ICU. You must be self-disciplined because this process is completed at your own pace. Unfortunately, the Texas DSHS does not allow this option for LVNs.

How do I register?

Click the link on the left for the certification you seek. Scroll down to "Application and Registration Procedures" for a complete list. Also be sure to look at "Prerequisites."

I let my certification lapse. How can I re-certify?

If you are within 90 days of its lapse, you must re-test all skills and have completed a formal refresher course. If you are more than one year past expiration, the state allows only one option—start all over.