Cosmetology Program – Rules and Regulations

  1. Students must provide and meet all Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations Board requirements listed in the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations Handbook.
  2. Cosmetology students must maintain a 2.0 GPA in all cosmetology courses.
  3. In case of excessive absences, the student's instructor has the final determination of whether a student will be able to complete the class or will be dropped. If a student is dropped, he/she may reapply for admission the following semester.
  4. Students must be in the required uniform in order to clock in to class. No student will be permitted to attend class without proper attire. No hats, headscarves or sunglasses are allowed.
  5. Students must have assigned supplies in order to participate in each class, lab or client clinical lab.
  6. Students must refrain from using unprofessional language; disrupting the educational process; jeopardizing the safety and well-being of others; damaging College property; stealing; using, selling, buying or being under the influence of controlled substances while on campus; being intoxicated while on campus; or unlawfully possessing weapons on campus. At any time upon the discretion of an instructor, a student may be asked to leave the class if not in compliance with these regulations.
  7. Students will not be able to refuse clinical assignments necessary for the training and educational tasks mandated by the TDLR.
  8. Students will be required to keep task records (recap sheets) of practical application up-to-date and prepared for state inspection.
  9. Students are required to maintain a professional attitude and comply with all College of the Mainland and Cosmetology Program rules and regulations.
  10. There is a designated line for students' personal calls; please be considerate and limit calls to three minutes. Personal phone calls will not be accepted during class. If someone has an emergency, he/she will be requested to contact COM Police Department at Ext. 8403. Cell phones and pagers must be turned to vibrate and calls returned after class.
  11. Students must maintain clean and sanitary supplies, tools and uniforms.
  12. Additional department rules and TDLR Rules and Regulations will be delivered in writing to the students on the first class day.

All students must be in compliance with uniform, kit, books and registration requirements before the first official day of class.