COM Sets All-Time Enrollment Record for the Fall 2023 Semester

Student enrollment for College of the Mainland (COM) has reached its highest ever in school history this fall with 5,779 students registered (as of Sept. 18) for credit courses and continuing education. A huge milestone for the College, this marks the first time since the start of COVID-19 that enrollment numbers have reached pre-pandemic figures.
According to preliminary data, there are 5,010 students enrolled in credit courses, marking an 11% increase compared to fall 2022 while 769 are registered for continuing education classes. The fall semester enrollment also shows a 33% increase in Collegiate High School enrollment when compared to fall 2022 enrollment.
“This is a really exciting time to be a COM student,” said Dr. Helen Brewer, vice president of student services at College of the Mainland. “Through an intentional and focused approach to helping our students meet their unique goals, this milestone truly demonstrates our never-ending commitment to student success.”
With convenient and affordable program options, College of the Mainland offers a variety of learning opportunities for students looking to transfer to a university, attain a baccalaureate-level degree or prepare for a new career or trade.
To learn more about the dynamic learning opportunities available at COM, visit