
How do I file a report of an incident?
If you feel a violation of the Student Conduct Code has occurred against you or you have witnessed an incident, you may file a report here.
What happens after the report is submitted?
Office of the Dean of Students will review the report to decide whether or not Student Conduct Code violations are involved. If so, the student will be sent a Student Conduct Charge letter addressing the Student Conduct code violations and will be notified on how to proceed. The Office of the Dean of Students might also contact the faculty or staff member who reported the incident to ask questions about the incident and to clarify information.
What if I have a question about an incident and am not sure if I will officially report it?
Contact the conduct officer at 409-933-8957.
How do I find out what happens to the student after they have been reported to the Dean of Students?
Our office cannot provide information unless the student grants authorization, or unless the information is provided to a victim of endangerment, harassment, or sexual misconduct. There may also be instances when the staff or faculty member is in a “need to know” position and the information can be conveyed (for instance, if a student is not permitted in a specific building as a result of the sanction for a violation). All Student Conduct matters are considered to be educational records and are protected under FERPA
What should I do if a student is acting strangely and/or seems distressed
Use the CARE Referral Form (Crisis, Assessment, Referral, Evaluation) to report concerning or potentially threatening behaviors to the CARE Team.
What should I do if a student, faculty, staff or community member poses a threat to themselves or others?
College of the Mainland seeks to foster a climate of safety that requires the involvement of all community members. To facilitate this process, all faculty, staff, students, and other community members are encouraged to report observed behavior that warrants concern for the safety of the community and/or the safety of an individual. The Threat Assessment Team (TAT) reviews reports and gathers information to make the most informed decisions about how best to intervene. To report a threat, please call the Campus Police Department at 409-933-8599 (emergency) or 409-933-8403 (non-emergency). On Campus phones dial extension 599 (emergency) or 403 (non-emergency).


How is the Dean of Students notified of allegations of misconduct?
Reports of alleged misconduct can be reported in a number of ways including, but not limited to: Incident Reports or referrals from the campus community.
What happens if I am “written up” by a member of the College on an alleged violation?
If you are written up, you can expect to receive a letter within a couple of days requiring you to schedule a meeting with the Dean of Students.
I have received a letter from the Dean of Students. What does it mean?
When the Dean of Students is made aware of a possible violation of the Student Code, we first contact the student through their E-Mail account and request a meeting to discuss the issue. You need to set up an appointment to meet with the Dean as a "registration hold" could be placed on your record, preventing you from registering for classes or obtaining an official transcript.
Where can I obtain a copy of the Student Code of Conduct?
The Student Code of Conduct is available in the Current College Catalog. You can also pick up a hard copy from the Student Help Center Welcome Desk.
What sanctions will I receive?
Each case is treated individually, therefore, sanctions will vary from case to case. Our intent in sanctioning is to educate students on policies and decision making. Educational sanctions are determined based on the severity of the charge(s), a student’s student conduct history (if any), a student’s developmental needs, and COM policy.
I know others did the same thing but did not get caught or were assigned a different sanction. What about them?
Each case of a student conduct violation is considered individually with information from all parties involved. Appropriate sanctions are determined on a case-by-case basis to provide a relevant learning opportunity for the parties involved in the violation, so they can be different for each student and situation.
I am having problems with a professor. What do I do?
If you would like support in thinking through how to approach your professor, please contact your advisor or the Dean of Students office. If you have a serious complaint or concern - please contact your professor first to try to resolve the issue informally. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, contact the academic department's chair.
Who has access to my disciplinary file?
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, we are not allowed to disclose your disciplinary file to anyone but you. Some exceptions may apply. Typically, in order to disclose your disciplinary history to anyone (including parents), we must have a signed waiver from you.
Why do I have a judicial hold on my registration?
The Office of the Dean of Students may place a hold on your records and registration if you have an outstanding case. This may mean that you have been charged with an alleged violation of the Student Conduct Code but have not contacted our office to initiate the process or that you have incomplete sanctions. While these are the most common reasons for judicial holds, there are various other reasons a hold can be placed on a student’s account. Your hold will not be lifted until you contact our office and resolve the situation.
How do I file a student complaint?
A student should use this form to file a complaint. Students may express a complaint to address matters including those relating to problems or conditions that a student believes to be unfair, inequitable, or a hindrance to the educational process or the conduct of campus business.
How do I request a grade appeal?
An academic appeal is a formal request brought by a student to change a final grade. A request to change a final grade or to challenge a penalty within the student grade appeal process must be made within six months of the assignment of the final grade using this form.
What should I do if a student, faculty, staff or community member poses a threat to themselves or others?
College of the Mainland seeks to foster a climate of safety that requires the involvement of all community members. To facilitate this process, all faculty, staff, students, and other community members are encouraged to report observed behavior that warrants concern for the safety of the community and/or the safety of an individual. The Threat Assessment Team (TAT) reviews reports and gathers information to make the most informed decisions about how best to intervene. To report a threat, please call the Campus Police Department at 409-933-8599 (emergency) or 409-933-8403 (non-emergency). On Campus phones dial extension 599 (emergency) or 403 (non-emergency).
What should I do if I want to report sexual harassment, assault or discrimination?
Filing this incident report constitutes official notice to College of the Mainland and authorizes the institution to investigate the information and allegations contained within the report and seek resolution.